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Rosy Toranzo
Sep 28, 20211 min read
Residency Week 2 - An Empty Box
Nobody likes to admit to failure, let alone write about it and share it with the internet world, but I have to admit, an empty box wasn't...
Rosy Toranzo
Sep 16, 20211 min read
Day 7 - A Waste of Time
Being in strict lockdown for months at a time, really changes time. Suddenly you have so much more of it, which is something you yearn...
Rosy Toranzo
Sep 15, 20211 min read
Day 6 - My Story of Stories
"And there it stood, the world that is..." The opening line from the Mythology of the Storytree. Storytree was an incredible community...
Rosy Toranzo
Sep 14, 20211 min read
Day 5 - Treading Lightly
I am very conscious of my impact on the planet - constantly teetering between the fast paced, convenience of modern life allowing me to...
Rosy Toranzo
Sep 13, 20211 min read
Day 4 - Migration
The word migration takes me down two thought paths, migration in the natural world - a much celebrated phenomenon and human migration so...
Rosy Toranzo
Sep 11, 20211 min read
Day 3 - Home, a feeling.
I laughed when I looked up the definition of home. Wikipedia says: "A home, or domicile, is a space used as a permanent or semi-permanent...
Rosy Toranzo
Sep 10, 20211 min read
Day 2 - An Ode to the Ocean
I have always been drawn to the ocean so it seemed an obvious thing to write about. Right now I live the closest I've ever lived to the...
Rosy Toranzo
Sep 9, 20212 min read
An Unexpected Artist Residency in Melbourne, Australia.
If someone had told me a few years ago I had been accepted into an Artist Residency in Melbourne Australia for Winter/Spring 2021, I...
Rosy Toranzo
Sep 9, 20212 min read
Day 1 - Writings about Nature
The following are musings from a Thursday afternoon, the second day of the season so far where I have been able to sit outside and feel...
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